这是桥水基金的创始人瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio),在08年金融危机之后做的短片。其介绍了经济运行的基本逻辑。比尔盖茨对这个视频的推荐语是这样的:

“This knowledge would help everyone as investors and citizens. Watching it for 30 minutes is a worthwhile investment."


🌵 | 经济机器 | A Simple Machine


经济就像机器一样,但是很多人却不懂得这一点,或是对经济的运行方式有着不同的观点。于是就产生了许多不必要的经济损失。The economy works like a simple machine. But many people don't understand it or they don't agree on how it works and this has led to a lot of needless economic suffering.



Though the economy might seem complex, it works in a simple, mechanical way. It's made up of a few simple parts and a lot of simple transactions that are repeated over and over again a zillion times.

驱动经济的 3 股主要力量

这些交易首先是由人性驱动而形成,进而形成了驱动经济的 3 股主要的动力。

These transactions are above all else driven by human nature, and they creat 3 main forces that drive the economy.


  1. 生产率的提高 | Productivity Growth
  2. 短期债务周期 | The Short Term Debt Cycle
  3. 长期债务周期 | The Long Term Debt Cycle

🌵 | 交易 | Transactions
